BB meeting with economists for preparing MPS today


Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh Bank (BB) will hold a consultation with economists and business leaders on Wednesday for taking suggestions on upcoming Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for the first half of the 2018-19 financial year.”We are going to announce MPS at the end of this month. To make the MPS more realistic, we will hold a consultation with economists and business community in the city’s Lakeshore Hotel on July 11 next,” a senior BB official said.
He said the meeting would discuss the achievement of the monetary policy for the second half of the 2017-18 financial year and the future domestic and external challenges in preparing the MPS for the FY19.
He said the senior officials of the central bank, chaired by its Governor
Fazle Kabir, on Monday arranged a meeting at the bank’s headquarter to discuss and take opinion about the MPS.BB announced its Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for the second half (H2) of the FY18 on January 29 this year, projecting the private sector credit growth rate at 16.8 percent.
“In one word, the new monetary policy is employment forecast growth with stability,” BB governor Fazle Kabir said while announcing the monetary policy for January to June 2018.
