BB maintains 6-tier security in vault: Governor


Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Fazle Kabir on Tuesday said there is no scope for pilfering gold from the vault of the central bank because a six-tier security is maintained for this special area.
“The gold has same measurement as the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (CIID) kept. In the vault, BB has ensured foolproof security . . . It has installed 42 CCTV cameras for this. In addition, police are working there round the clock,” he said.
The BB chief said this while unveiling the Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for the first half of the fiscal 2018-19 (FY19) at a press conference held at the central bank headquarters here.
Earlier, a Bangla daily reported the gold scam in the Bangladesh Bank vault. On the issue, State Minister for Finance and Planning MA Mannan said there have been six-tier measures for ensuring security of the central vault. Even, the BB governor must have to take permission from two to three places, if he wants to visit the vault, he added.
In a press conference, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Executive Director SM Rabiul Hassan said the press report on the BB vault is not true and realistic at all.
Rabiul Hassain said no one is allowed to enter into the vault without permission. “Even BB governor or deputy governors must take pass if they want to visit the vault.”
At the same press conference, BB Currency Officer (General Manager) Awlad Hossain Chowdhury said the purity of the gold measured by the customs detectives was 40 percent, but it was recorded 80 percent due to the similarity between the number 4 in Bangla and 8 in English.
