BB issues new note of Tk 17,000cr ahead of Eid


The central Bank has issued a new note of Taka 17,000 crore in the market ahead of the Eid-ul-Fitr.
Out of the amount, Taka 10,000 crore is new and the rest of the currency worth of Taka 7,000 crore is old note.
The Bangladesh Bank (BB) has issued around the note of Taka 4,000 crore in the last two days.
“Huge amount of bank note had been possible to issue in the market as the central bank had full preparation for the demand of the subscribers”, said concerned bank official.
The new note begun to issue in the market from the very beginning of the Ramzan. The demand of the new note at the beginning of Ramzan was around Taka 400-600 crore in per day but it rose to Taka 1500 crore, on in average during the last week, said an official of currency department of the Bangladesh Bank.
The Bangladesh Bank also took a measure to identify the fake currency note all over the country. The central bank has sent fake note identifying machines at the big shopping malls in all divisional cities including the capital city.
In last year, the BB had issued the new note of Taka 16,000 crore, most of the old notes had been issued as new note during that time.
