BB awards 24 top remittance senders

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Bank on Sunday gave awards to a total of 24 top remittance senders among Non-Residence Bangladeshis (NRBs) at a function at Hotel Purbani in the city.
Among the top remittance senders, 20 were given ‘Bangladesh Bank Remittance Award 2013’ for their contribution in enhancing the country’s foreign exchange reserves through remittance while 4 were given the award for purchasing different bonds that also increased the reserves.
Among the 20 remittance senders, five (5) are from UAE. They are Mohammad Mahtabur Rahman, Abul Kalam, Zafar Ahmed, Mohammad Emadur Rahman, and SAK Ekramuzzaman.
Three award-receiving remittance senders from UK are Mahiul Mohammad Khan Muqit, Dr Mir Azmal Ali and Shafi Ahmed Chowdhury. Three from Kuwait are Zakir Hossain, Nazmul Hossain Gazi and Md. Emdadul Islam.
Two from USA are Rezaul Hasan and Nizam Mohammad Meah while Sayadur Rahman Habib from Hong Kong, Syed Abdul Quiyum from Germany, Abu Taher Mohammad Amanullah from Philippines, Ohid Mollah from Italy, Mukitur Rahman from Australia, Ahmadul Ameen from Malaysia, and Robin Rahman from Papua New Guinea.
Top four investors in different bonds of the Bangladesh government are Mohammad Oliur Rahman,, Abdul Karim and Md. Akther Hossain from UAE, and Mizan Mohammad Zahid from Canada.
While handing over the crest and certificates to the awardees, Bangladesh Bank deputy governor S K Sur Chowdhury announced that the central bank will award 50 top remittance senders in the next years.
The function was also addressed by another deputy governor Nazneen Sultana while Bankers Association of Bangladesh president Ali Reza Iftekhar was present.