BB announces cash incentive for exporters

BSS, Dhaka :
Like last year over 150 goods and products of 14 categories will get cash incentive against their exports during the current 2015-16 financial year (FY16).
Bangladesh Bank (BB) on Monday in a circular announced the rate of the cash incentive ranged between 2.0 percent and 20.0 percent. Fish, frozen with over 40 percent ice, will get the lowest 2.0 percent while potato, halal meat and agro-products will get the highest 20.0 percent cash incentive.
The handicraft items made out of elephant grass (hogla), paddy straw (khor) and sugarcane bark (akher chobra) will receive 15-20 percent while light engineering will get 15.0 percent cash incentive.
Exporters of leather products will be given 12.50 percent when 10.0 percent cash incentives will be entitled to exporters of diversified jute products and pet bottle and flex and the fish frozen with no more than 20.0 percent ice.
Finished jute products will get 7.5 percent when 5.0 percent cash incentive will be offered against exports of jute yarn, ship and bone dust.
Small and medium garment factories would get 4.0 percent and the apparel sector 4.0 percent additional cash subsidy instead of bond and duty drawback facilities.
Exporters will get 3.0 percent cash incentives for exporting new products and exploring new market outside USA, Canada and EU.
BB in the circular asked all authorised dealers (AD) of foreign exchange to offer the cash incentive on the products against net repatriation of the FOB (freight on board) prices from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.