Bay of Bengal Forum launched

UNB, Dhaka :
The American Center Dhaka and the Coastal Association for Social Transformation (COAST) Trust have jointly launched a new platform for the civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Bimstec member countries.
The platform named ‘Bay of Bengal Forum’ (BBForum) has formally been launched on Thursday at the Edward M Kennedy (EMK) Center in Dhanmondi in the city, said a press release on Friday.
The main aim of the forum is to revive the historical relation of the countries of South and Southeast Asia and transform it into cooperation in the Bay of Bengal region by promoting regional connectivity
and people to people relation to combat poverty.
Its efforts will be to strengthen the relationship among the CSOs and medias to influence the policymakers of the Bimstec countries to take decisions in favour of the mass people.
On the occasion, a book titled ‘Advancing Sustainable Socio-Economic Development through Education in the Bay of Bengal Region’ was also unwrapped.
The objective of the book is to establish the “People-to-People Contact” among the Bimstec member countries.