BAU observes Mymensingh Free Day

A rally led by BAU VC Prof Dr Md Rafiqul Haque on Wednesday to mark Mymensingh Free Day.
A rally led by BAU VC Prof Dr Md Rafiqul Haque on Wednesday to mark Mymensingh Free Day.
Campus report :
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) celebrated Mymensingh Free Day on Wednesday in the campus. BAU authority chalked out day long programme to celebrate the day including victory rally and photo exhibition.
To mark the day a rally brought out on the campus led by BAU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Rafiqul Haque. Student’s advisor Prof Dr Md Zahirul Haque Khandoker, proctor Prof Dr Md Harun-ur-Rashid and other senior teachers, officers and students were present.
Later, BAU VC inaugurated a photo exhibition on liberation war in the central library of the university. In the exhibition more than 200 photographs about the contribution of BAU in the liberation war and other wartime pictures, captured in Mymensingh region.
It is to be mentioned that Mymensingh remained free from the occupation of Pakistani army until 23 April 1971. Pakistani occupation forces deserted Mymensingh on 10 December, and Mukti Bahini took over on 11 December, just five days ahead of the victory of Dhaka on 16 December.