BAU completes 3400 research projects in 36yrs


Gazipur Correspondent :
The Research System of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) carried out three thousand four hundred and eight research projects in the last 36 years. At present more than 581 research projects are underway. The progress of these ongoing research projects are reviewed in the annual workshop every year. So far three books with a total of 1259 projects have been published.
This information was given by Prof. Dr. Md. Abu HadiNur Ali Khan at the end of his responsibility as the director of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) at a Press Conference held on Thursday (May 12) at in the conference room of BAURES.
It was further informed at the press conference that on November 1, 2019, Dr. Md. Abu Hadi Nur Ali Khan was appointed as the director of BAURES. Three annual research progress workshops have been organized under him. At this time, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ali Khan Memorial Agriculture Award has been given to 11 farmers to make a special contribution to agricultural production for using modern technology in agricultural success. 50 teachers have been awarded the “Global Research Impact Recognition” award for outstanding contributions to research. In the last two years, 8 journal issues have been published. The journal published by BAURES has been modernized and fully automated.
Dr. Md. Abu HadiNur Ali Khan said that, for the very first time the research has been allotted to almost all the teachers of the university who are interested in research. After taking responsibility for the deficit of around Tk 1 crore, a budget of around Tk 9 crore has been allocated under all the research projects. Attempts are being made to increase it to Tk 11 crore by next July. Of this, about Tk 60 lakh has been allocated for 46 research projects from January this year for lecturers and assistant Profs only.
He added that in order to motivate the publication of the results of the research project, BAURES is paying the researcher 100 to 1000$ per article, depending on the case. In the last two years, under the research project, 268 MS (Masters) Fellows have been given a total of Tk. 2 crore and 70 Lakh as fellowship. As a result of the increase in funding, BAU researchers published 556 research projects in the “Scopus Journal” in 2021, which is more than double the previous year. BAURES is currently implementing research project worth around Tk 35 crore annually. This money comes from special allocations from UGC, university budgets, various local organizations and international donors.
Associate Director of BAURES Prof. Dr. AKM Mominul Islam, senior scientific officer Paresh Kumar Sharma and Deputy Director, Public Relations and Publications, Deen Mohammad Dinu were also present at the press conference.
