Barisal Div Museum to be inaugurated tomorrow

Barisal Correspondent :
The inauguration of Barisal Divisional Museum has been fixed on June 8,2015 after 8 years of completion of project in June 2007.
Shirin Akhtar, Additional Secretary and Director General of Archeology, said Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor will inaugurate the Museum on Monaday June 8, 2015 morning.
High officials of the cultural ministry, archeology directorate, divisional and district administration as well as local elites will attend the programme, she added.
Amiruzzaman, regional director of archeology at Khulna said the works to open the museum such as lighting, display galleries, boundary walls, sanitation, and gardening and security systems, completed.
Organogram of 38-strong workforce, including curator, deputy director, assistant director, office staffs, security guards and caretakers, already sent to higher authourity for approval and appointment, the RD of archeology added.
A huge number of antiques have already been collected for display at six galleries the museum , AKM Saifur Rahman, assistant director and head of 3-member team working for preparing display galleries at Barisal divisional museum .
Golam Ferdous, assistant director archeology and member of the gallery display organising committee of the museum, said for the first time in the country a specialised gallery about history and affects related with disaster management would also be opened at this museum to develop mass awareness in this natural disaster-prone region.
Shahin Alam, assistant director of archeology and another member of the display gallery organising committee, said Bakerganj district was official created in 1797 shifting district headquarter in 1801 and construction of Collectorate Building at district town was completed in 1821.
The Collectorate Building was declared abandoned after the new district administration complex was built in the compound in 1980s, said Saiful Ahsan Bulbul, researcher about regional history of Barisal.
Then land grabbers tried to dismantle and construct a supermarket by taking lease of the land of the building.
However the move was foiled facing movements by local elites and citizens’ groups demanding to declare the building as a cultural heritage and to turn it into a museum.
A gazette notification was published on April 1, 2004 declaring the Barisal Collectorate Building a national heritage and directorate of archeology took-over that.
The then state minister for cultural affairs, Selima Rahman, and Barisal city mayor, Majibur Rahman Sarwar MP officially laid foundation of Barisal divisional museum project on April 8, 2005.
The two-year project from July 2005 to June 2007 worth Tk 2.43 core for establishing the divisional museum at the Barisal Collectorate Building was approved scheduled to be opened for the visitors in June 2008, Saiful added.
Political changes covered the fate of Barisal Divisional Museum with black shadow causing delay of opening for more than half-decade, said Dr. Mizanur member secretary Barisal Nagorik Samaj, demanding to open regional office of archeology directorate with the museum.
Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, co-operation and peace among peoples, opined Sirajuddin Ahmed, historian of Barisal region.
