Barind farmers seek crop insurance

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a discussion here have unequivocally called for bringing all the climate-affected farmers under the privileges of crop insurance in Barind region.
They mentioned farmers of the drought-prone area have been facing loss due to the adverse impact of climate change. So, there is no way but to compensate them with insurance support.
The observations came at a view-sharing meeting styled ‘Crop Insurance for Drought-affected Barind Farmers’ held at BADC conference hall at Bargachhi under Paba upazila in the district on Monday.
Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Farmers Organisations Coordination Committee jointly organised the meeting. ‘Launching Crop Insurance, Sustaining People and their Livelihoods’ was the main theme of the discussion.
National Agriculture Award Winner farmer Abdur Rahim addressed the discussion as focal person narrating their sufferings caused by the impact of climate change.
BARCIK Coordinator (Barind Region) Shahidul Islam and its Programme Assistant Brojendra Nath and farmers Rahima Begum and Jewel Rana also spoke.
Abdur Rahim mentioned adverse impacts of climate change have triggered recurrence of natural calamities in the region posing a serious threat to the farming of all seasonal crops, including vegetables and the living and livelihood condition of farmers’ community in the region.
He observed that the duration of winter along with its intensity has been changed remarkably during the last couple of years which is detrimental to winter crops farming.
The ongoing climate change at alarming rates has severely affected winter vegetable farming and its diversity creating a real threat to food production. The developed countries should fulfill their commitment towards climate funding and ensure transparency in use of this fund.
Time-befitting measures need to be adopted urgently to boost agricultural productions for ensuring food security amid adverse impacts of climatic changes.
Shahidul Islam read out the concept paper on the issue pointing out that the existing agricultural system has started facing a serious threat because of climate change that also leads to various natural disasters.