BARI holds training on agro-product processing


National Desk :

The Postharvest Technology Division (PHTD) of Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) organized a day-long impact training on ‘Agricultural products processing technologies’ to the Farmers Group-02 at Idilpur, Kakraid, Modhupur, Tangail today (Tuesday, September 21, 2021) under the project ‘Agricultural Products Processing Technology Development (APPT)’ in Bangladesh funded by ‘Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI), Rural Development Admini stration (RDA)’ Korea. A total of 30 farmers including unemployment women and youth were imparted in the impact training on pineapple natural jam, pineapple natural jelly and pineapple pomace ball (laddu) processing.
The program has been organized aimed to get impact from the farmers-are they capable to process their fresh firm agricultural produce to meet their family nutritional requirement and generating income by the technological assistance of the AFACI-APPT, Bangladesh.
Chief Scientific Officer and Head of the Postharvest Technology Division of BARI, Gazipur Md. Hafizul Haque Khan was present as chief guest in the impact training.
