Barakat calls Muhith a retarded man

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Dhaka University professor Abul Barakat has called Finance Minister AMA Muhith a retard in a workshop for persons with disabilities.
Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu was present when he launched the disparaging attack on the octogenarian politician in Dhaka on Wednesday. “Our budgets are not friendly towards disabled people. It does not allocate funds these helpless people need. The finance minister is himself a retard.”
The information minister was invited as the chief guest.
The economics teacher, who was denied extension of his service as state-owned Janata Bank Limited chairman, had come down heavily on the finance minister in another recent event. Barakat called people with disabilities an integral part of society and urged ‘big corporate houses’ and the media to stand by them for their development.
An NGO, Leonard Cheshire Disability Bangladesh (LCDB), organised the workshop, titled ‘Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Role of Media and Corporate Sector’.