Bar Council opposes more powers for mobile courts

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Bar Council on Thursday demanded that the government backtrack on its move to increase the power of executive magistrates through amending the Mobile Court Act 2009.
The Bar Council came up with the demand at a press briefing held at its office in the city. Speaking at the press briefing, the Bar Council’s vice chairman Khandker Mahbub Hossain said innocent people will face hassles if
executive magistrates are given more power through the amendment of the Mobile Court Act 2009.
Khandker Mahbub, who is also the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, said if the provision for punishment under the mobile court needs to be increased, the judicial magistrates should be incorporated in the trial process.
If otherwise, the attempts to separate the judicial department from the executive department will be hampered and the people will face hassles due to political influence, he added. Earlier on Monday last, the Cabinet approved the ‘Mobile Court (Amendment) Bill 2015’ to empower such courts to punish offenders even if one does not confess to the offence. The approval, subject to the Law Ministry’s vetting, came from the Cabinet’s weekly regular meeting held at the Cabinet Room of the Jatiya Sangsad with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.