Banning Jamaat only a matter of time, says Tofail

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Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed has said the banning of the Jamaat-e-Islami is only a matter of time and has advised all to be patient until it happens.
He came up with the statement at a press briefing at his Secretariat office on Wednesday, a day after the execution of Jamaat chief Motiur Rahman Nizami for war crimes during Bangladesh’s Liberation War.
To a question, the senior Awami League leader said, “The banning of the Jamaat is a matter of time.
Wait and see.” Different sections of society have been demanding a ban on the Jamaat, which assisted the Pakistan army during the 1971 Liberation War, since the beginning of the trials of war criminals through the constitution of the International Crimes Tribunal in 2010. The Election Commission invalidated the registration of the party for its failure to fulfil conditions, thus disqualifying it from contesting elections.