Banned guides, notebooks flood markets

Chittagong Bureau :
The book markets of the port city of Chittagong and elsewhere in the district have been flooded with the illegal guides and notebooks for the students of class one to eight defying the government ban on it. “Though the ban on notebooks is more than three decades old, yet this illegal practice continues”, educationists alleged.
Besides, the city market is witnessing an influx of huge low quality of notebooks published from the different places of the country.
The teachers and the educationists have expressed their grave concern the issue. During a visit by our correspondent at Anderkillah, New Market, Chawkbazar, the three major book markets of the port city, it was found that the banned guides and notebooks are being sold openly.The publishers and sellers are doing brisk business in notebook because of high demand.
It is quite impossible to find out the publishers of the books as most of those were printed with false and fictitious addresses, the sellers said.The ban on notebook brought by Education Ministry came into force on February 22 in 1980. As per law, it is a punishable offence to print, publish and distribute notebooks for the students from class one to class eight.
“But it is a matter of concern that the Education Ministry and the concerned agencies remained silent to apply the law effectively,” an eminent teacher said.
Due to lack of proper application of the law, the business of selling notebooks goes on openly, he added.
Many of the notebooks are reportedly published at Bangla Bazar Dhaka, Choumohani in Noakhali and Comilla. Some publishers, however, print the guide and notebooks under head of ‘ an experienced headmaster’.
With the massive spelling mistakes and wrong information, these notebooks printed on low quality papers and are creating problem for the students.
The books are being published by using fictitious names and addresses like Jupitar, Lecturer Series, , Panjery Prokashony, Star Prokashoni, Dhaka, Minar Prokashoni, Adhil, Captain and Nobodut, Advanced Learners, Minar printing press Gopibagh lane Dhaka, Anupom Prokashoni and Popy library Comilla.
The most astonishing part of the books is their prices as those are sold below the 50 percent of price printed in the books.
Talking to this correspondent , Showkat Hossain, Head Master of Railway Public School, said guidebooks are seriously hampering the creativity of a student.