Banks to close down branches in locked down areas

Business Desk :
The Bangladesh Bank has instructed all banks to shut down their branches in the areas put under lockdown by the government or local administration to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
The central bank has also asked all banks to keep open their banking activities in limited scale during the general holidays to facilitate the financial transaction for their clients.
“Banks will remain open from 10am to 2pm during the government-declared general holidays while the transaction will be made between 10am to 12.30pm,” as per a BB circular issued on Thursday.
However, the authorised dealers designated banks can do their general banking until 1:30pm considering their own needs, the circular said.
The instructions will be effective from April 12, it added.
Bangladesh Bank also asked the banks to maintain the safety and hygiene related guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) while operating the banks.
The government on Friday issued an order extending the nationwide holiday further until April 25 in the wake of the deadly novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak.