Bankers asked to combat money laundering

BSS, Rajshahi :
Senior bankers at a training workshop have urged the branch level executives and other bankers to put in their best efforts to resist money laundering and other malpractices in banks for the sake of uprooting various social crimes including terrorism and militancy.
Terming the border-belt districts like Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj as a crime-prone zone, they said bankers must remain sincere and alert so that money laundering and financing of terrorism could be reduced to a great extent.
They were addressing a daylong training workshop titled “Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating Financing to Terrorism and Militancy” for the branch level bankers of International Finance Investment and Commerce (IFIC) Bank Limited at a city restaurant here on Saturday.
The main focus of the course was to disseminate updated knowledge and strategies to prevent malpractices associated with money laundering. More than 100 executives and officers from all the IFIC Bank branches in the region took part in the training workshop.
General manager of Bangladesh Bank Asim Kumar Mazumder, chief anti- money laundering compliance officer and deputy managing director of IFIC Bank Farid Uddin Al Mahmud and its deputy chief and Vice President Arju Mand Parveen Banu addressed the opening session.
Anti-money laundering compliance officers Halima Jahan and Nazmul Haque conducted the training sessions as resource persons.
Asim Kumar Mazumder said: “Banks are liable for keeping accurate and full affidavits of their clients. Updating client information is a regulatory requirement and it’s for all branches. It is a central bank order to do so”.
He emphasized the importance of due diligence and proper Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines and their business and advised everyone to remain fully compliant with money laundering prevention (MLP) and CFT rules and regulations.
Asim Mazumder also advised the officials to be more cautious and proactive in preventing money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as complying with all other applicable regulations regarding the issue and thus protect and enhance the image of IFIC Bank as a compliant bank.