Bank transactions decline to 75% in Ctg business hub

Chittagong Bureau :
Khatungonj is the largest wholesale market of the essential commodities popularly known as only business hub of the port city .
 Following the ongoing political instability across the country, the bank transactions in that business hub declined to maximum extents and on average incurring loss of Tk.250 cr per day, a reliable business association sources said.
Khatungonj Traders Association sources said in Khatungonj business hub, there are about 4000 business houses .
 The average transactions of the hub was Tk. 1000 cr to Tk.1200 cr before December 2014 but now it declines to ranging from Tk.150 cr to /Tk.200 cr daily . Manager of Bank Asia in Khatungonj Md. Jahangir told this reporter that the bank transactions declined to 75% than earlier.