Bank Asia condoles death of Azizul Huq

Business Desk :
Bank Asia Ltd has expressed deep shock at the death of the bank’s Shariah Supervisory Committee Chairman M Azizul Huq.
Azizul Haq, also pioneer of Islamic banking, breathed his last on Thursday at CMH at the age of 85 years.
M Azizul Huq was the founder consultant of Bank Asia Islamic Banking. Our unique Income Sharing Ratio (ISR) based profit distribution module is the brainchild of Huq, which is another milestone in Islamic Banking of Bangladesh.
Eminent banker M Azizul Huq started his banking career in 1958 as a Probationary Officer with Habib Bank Ltd., Pakistan. He was the chief architect to establish Islamic Banking in the country. He had the rare opportunity of working successively as Founder CEO of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Social Investment Bank Ltd. and Islamic Finance and Investment Ltd. Besides, he was the Chairman and Member of the Shariah Council of different banks.
We extend our heartfelt condolence to the bereaved members of his family and humbly request you all to pray for peace and salvation of his departed soul. May Allah, the Almighty, grant him Jannah.