Bangladesh to host 3rd ACD meeting on tourism

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh will host the Third Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Ministerial meeting on tourism in 2018.
The decision was taken in the 1st ACD ministerial meeting held in Tabriz, Iran, in August 30, said a Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry press release on Wednesday.
Cambodia will arrange the second ACD meeting.
A three-member Bangladesh delegation, led by Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon, attended the Meeting.
Nearly 100 participants from Asian countries including Ministers, high officials and tourism experts attended the meeting and discussed various issues.
The meeting ended with the Tabriz declaration on August 30. Bangladesh has played a very active and leading role for preparing the declaration. Besides, the delegation had some sideline meetings with government and private tourism stakeholders, including Vice- President of Iran, Governor of Azerbaijan, Iran, Mayor of Tabriz and Mahan Air.
Counselor from Bangladesh Embassy in Tehran also joined the meeting.
