Bangladesh seeks immediate steps on Myanmar by UNSC


News Desk :
Bangladesh has sought immediate steps on Myanmar by the UN Security Council asking Myanmar to refrain from escalating the situation and targeting the Rohingya minorities in the pretext of security operation.
Bangladesh also urged the UNSC to remind Myanmar of their responsibility to protect its civilian populations during any military or security operations, reports UNB.
Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the UN in New York shared the “aide memoire” with the UNSC President on recent developments near the international border between Bangladesh and Myanmar on September 15, according to the communication.
Last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Myanmar Ambassador to Bangladesh Aung Kyaw Moe and protested the visible movement of Myanmar military very close to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.
The Myanmar Ambassador was summoned to the office of Director General (DG-Myanmar Wing) Md. Delwar Hossain.
Bangladesh noticed suspicious movement of Myanmar military forces on fishing trawlers close to the maritime international border since Friday.
The Bangladesh side asked Myanmar to stop such suspicious movements so that no misunderstanding takes place between the two countries.
Such movement of military along the international border might create panic among Rohingyas living on both sides of the border, sources said.
Bangladesh remains vigilant along the border with Myanmar and it sees no scope for any untoward incident.
Myanmar did not inform Bangladesh beforehand about such deployment though there is a practice to share with neighbouring countries.
The national election in Myanmar is approaching and there are always changes internally ahead of any election and this might be part of this.
On the situation in Rakhine more broadly, it is now more than three years since over 700,000 Rohingyas were forcibly displaced from their homes to Bangladesh because of violence perpetrated by the Myanmar military.
The UNSC president has been requested to bring the issue to the attention of the Council members.
