Bangladesh role-model in world for socio-economic dev: President

BSS, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid has said Bangladesh is now being considered as a role-model in the world for socio-economic development.
These have been possible due to intellectual-mind, tireless hard work and undaunted courage of our people, the President said today in a message on the eve of the victory day.
“16 December is our victory day, a glorious and memorable day in the history of the Bangali nation. On the eve of the day, I extend my sincere felicitations and warm congratulations to my fellow countrymen living at home and abroad,” the President added.
Independence is the greatest achievement of the Bangali nation but it was not attained in a day, he said adding Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the undisputed leader, declared the historic independence on March 26, 1971 after overcoming various ups and downs and staging long movement and agitation against the Pakistani government.
“The ultimate victory was achieved through a nine-month long war of liberation under his leadership. Today, I recall with profound respect the greatest Bangali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman whose boundless sacrifices, uncompromising and charismatic leadership contributed to the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent and sovereign state in world,” the President said.
Paying his deep homage to the valiant freedom fighters who made supreme sacrifice in the war of liberation for the cause of country’s independence, he extended his deep gratitude to the organisers and supporters and the people from all strata who directly and indirectly made meaningful contributions to our war of liberation.
Abdul Hamid extended his sincere thanks to UNESCO for the recognition of the historic 7th March speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a world’s important documentary heritage and its inclusion in the ‘International Memory of the World Register’.
This recognition is the source of inspiration and a great pride for Bangali Nation, he added.