Killing of Iranian General Soleimani: Bangladesh issues security alerts for migrants in Iraq


Staff Reporter: Bangladesh embassy in Iraq has advised Bangladeshi nationals to avoid travelling to troublesome areas in the country considering the ongoing insecurity situation after killing of a top Iranian General by US.
`We have requested the Bangladeshi migrants not to travel anywhere except their workplaces and residences and to avoid all sorts of meeting and gatherings if there is no special necessity,` reads a press release by the embassy in Baghdad issued on Friday.
The embassy will remain open to provide consular assistance 24/7, it said.
The embassy issued the instruction following a US air strike in Baghdad yesterday which killed Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander and the architect of its growing influence in the Middle East.
Immediately after the killing, Iran promised vengeance.
Soleimani, a 62-year-old general who headed the elite Quds Force.
