Bangladesh, India foreign ministers set for talks next month


News Desk :
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen and his Indian counterpart Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar will meet in New Delhi in April.
They will meet for the seventh joint consultative commission meeting and discuss various issues of bilateral interest, including trade, investment, water, border and line of credit.
Additional Foreign Secretary (East) Mashfee Binte Shams said the previous meeting was held virtually in 2020. The upcoming meeting will be held in person because of the improvement in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, she added.
Cooperation on issues relating to water resources is a big deal for both countries, she said, adding that there have been several talks about sharing of river waters.
Dhaka will also accentuate Delhi to settle the Teesta River dispute as soon as possible, Mashfee said.
