Bangladesh, Germany for enhanced energy coop

BSS, Dhaka :
The Bangladesh-German Consultations 2020 here today emphasized the need to further strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries and also to boost cooperation in a wide range of areas including energy and renewable energy.
The Economic Relations Division (ERD) Additional Secretary and Wing Chief (Europe) Dr Gauranga Chandra Mohanta led the Bangladesh side while Head of South Asia Division of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany Dr Ute Heinbuch led the German side during the day consultations at the NEC-2 Conference Room in the city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area.
The consultations took place back to back with the visit of the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr Gerd Muller to Bangladesh on February 25-26 and were held in a cordial atmosphere upholding the friendship and mutual long-lasting relationship at the core, officials said.
During the meeting, they said, both the delegations discussed recent social and economic progress of Bangladesh and reviewed the outcome of cooperation between Bangladesh and Germany.
Both parties discussed various issues of mutual interest like renewable energy and energy efficiency, social and environmental standards in the textile sector, adaptation to climate change in urban areas, justice reforms and human rights, the Rohingya crisis in Cox’s Bazar district and the challenges for the host communities as well as biodiversity in a congenial and friendly atmosphere and expressed their commitment to further strengthen the existing bilateral relations.
Briefing reporters after the consultations, Dr Gauranga said discussions were held in details during the consultations on a wide range of issues in various sessions between the German side and the representations from the concerned Ministries and Divisions of Bangladesh.