‘Bangladesh doing miracle under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership’


Bangladesh High Commissioner to India Syed Muazzem Ali said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is doing miracle in her mission of building a Sonar Bangla, dreamt by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
He came up with the statement on Thursday while addressing a seminar on Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) at New Delhi in India, said an official press release here.
The seminar was jointly organized by JNU and India Foundation where JNU Vice-Chancellor M Jagades Kumar and India Foundation Director Maj Gen Dhruv Kotoch also spoke at the event, it added.
In the seminar, he said that Bangabandhu’s bold and visionary leadership showed Bangladesh, how to stand up from a war ravaged situation and his able daughter current PM Sheikh Hasina is doing miracle in the mission of completing her father’s unfinished tasks.
The contributions of these two great leaders of Bangladesh, the father and the daughter, has been best described by none other than the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, who said, ‘Bangabandhu founded Bangladesh and his daughter Sheikh Hasina saved it’, said the freedom fighter-turned diplomat.
Ali also said under the dynamic leadership of Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world with 7.86 per cent GDP growth.
