Bangladesh cultural troupe enthrals Colombo audience


Entertainment Desk :The Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor inaugurated Bangladesh cultural show at the auditorium of Western Province Aesthetic Resort in Colombo recently. The inauguration show by traditional lighting of candles was also participated by Sri Lankan Minister of Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs SB Nawinnaand Bangladesh High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Tarik Ahsan. The show was staged by a visiting cultural troupe of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, led by choreographer Tamanna Rahman. The cultural show featured traditional and contemporary dance performances of Bangladesh with interludes of baul song. The show enthralled the audience that included ambassadors, heads of cultural centres of foreign countries, high government officials, members of cultural community, representatives of media, members of expatriate Bangladesh community and officials of Bangladesh High Commission. The cultural show gave an added dimension to the observance of the 40th anniversary of establishment of Bangladesh High Commission in Colombo on April 21 in 1976. The Bangladesh Minister arrived in Colombo last Monday on a four-day official visit to Sri Lanka at the invitation of his Sri Lankan counterpart. He was received at the airport by Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka Bernard Vasantha and Bangladesh High Commissioner Tarik Ahsan. The Bangladesh cultural troupe visited Sri Lanka under local hospitality and arrangement by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka in cooperation with Bangladesh High Commission in Colombo. This is the first time that a cultural show of Bangladesh has taken place in Sri Lanka under the cultural exchange programme (CEP) that was signed between the two governments on April 18, 2011.
