‘Bangladesh committed to ensure bio-safety’


Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Shahab Uddin on Saturday said that Bangladesh is determined to implement action plans on bio-safety according to the provisions of the Cartagena Protocol.
“Bangladesh has signed the ‘Cartagena Protocol on biosafety ‘and thus, is committed to implement the provisions… Action plans have been adopted for the proper implementation of the protocol”, a ministry press release quoted him saying that while addressing as the chief guest of the ‘international Workshop on Bio-safety’ organized by the Department of Environment in BRAC Centre, here.
The minister mentioned that 170 countries including Bangladesh have signed the ‘Cartagena Protocol on bio-safety’ and said that, “Bangladesh has enacted ‘Bio-safety Rules of Bangladesh, 2012’, ‘Bio-safety Guideline of Bangladesh, 2008’, ‘Bio-safety Clearing House’ for sharing information, ‘Guidelines for the safety assessments of foods derived from genetically engineered plants’ for food safety to implement the provisions of the protocol accordingly’, the release added.
Director General of the Environment Department Dr. Sultan Ahmed presided over the workshop. Environment Ministry Secretary Abdullah Al Mohsin Chowdhury was also present as the special guest.
Specialists on Bio-safety from Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines were also present at the workshop.
