Bangladesh — China relation


Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
Geographic location encompassing South Asia it is difficult to characterise the China-Bangladesh relation but the relation of Bengal and present Bangladesh could be traced back to into history which began as early as before the Christian era. Contacts between the two peoples of the two countries traced back to a few centuries through the visit of Chinese travellers, emissaries and traders. Chinese historians like Faxian, Tao Lin and Huan Tang visited Bengal in the fourth and seventh centuries. Buddhist monks of ancient China have left their marks during their journey to historical place like Mahastanghar and Cumilla, apart from Kumarkhali where this writer had the opportunity to witness broken Pagoda. Monk Xuanzang of Tang dynasty visited Bengal in 627 AD during the period of ancient Kingdoms of Samantha, Puravaradharna and Karnasuvardhara which were located in and around Old Dacca. In fact, he had made detailed records about historical and geographical location of these Kingdoms in the book: Records of the western region of Tang dynasty, a book of scientific and historical value for the study of the ancient history and geography of India, Nepal Pakistan, Bangladesh and other parts of Asia.
At the early stage of the Ming dynasty, Chinese traveller Zheng He had made seven voyages to all the South Asian countries and these countries also had sent envoys to China often and thus strengthened the mutual relation in politics, economy and culture. During his seven voyages Zheng He visited several South Asian countries such as Calicut which exited during 15th century, Cochin, Bengal, Celon and Maldive in Indian peninsula. Zheng along with his co-traveller Hog Bao reached Chittagong and then visited Sonargaon by small boat. They were accorded warm welcome and met Sultan of Bengal Ghyasudddin Azam Shah as emissary of Chinese Emperor Yuglo. Hog Bao was accompanied by a historian and interpreter Ma Huan who wrote an account of Bengal of old days. It seems to be interesting to note that during the reign of Ming and Qing dynasty China had witnessed the fall of feudalism but China had witnessed progress in agriculture and handicrafts. Chinese porcelain still preserved at Lalbagh Fort of the 17th century. It was constructed by Mughal prince Muhammad Azam Shah.
In the early 50s, many political leaders and Buddhist monks visited China. The then General Secretary of Awami Muslim League Sheikh Mujibur Rahman paid a visit to China in 1952 and 1957 when he met Charirman Mao zedong and Prime Minister Zhouen Lai while Prime Minister Zhou Enlai paid a visit to East Pakistan at the invitation of Pakistan Prime Minister Husein Shahid Suwardhi in December in 1956 and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman read out address of welcome.
 Although China officially did not extend support for Bangladesh but Pakistan Ambassador to China K. M. Kaiser who was a Bengali developed friendly relations with Chinese Premier Chou En Lai who did not allow Pakistan President Yahiya khan to transfer Ambassador K.M. Kaiser from Peking who remained in Peking and participated in the official discussion during the visit of Pakistan President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to Peking in February in 1972. In fact the Chinese Premier was critical of former President Yahiha Khan. Ambassador K.M Kaiser had flown from Peking along with other diplomats in the second week of May in 1972 for Bangladesh. Premier Chou En lai entertained Ambassador Kaiser before Leaving Peking. Incidentally, I met late Ambassador K. M. Kaiser at the office of Chief of Protocol in the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh sometime in May, 1972. Following the statement by the new regime, headed by Khondaker Mostaque Ahmed on the foreign policy, which spelled out that Bangladesh, would resolutely continue the policy of non-alignment and that he would establish friendship with those countries with whom direct friendly relation had not hitherto been established. The People’s Republic of China felt encouraged to recognize Bangladesh, and China’s recognition came on 4 October 1975. During the period of government of Ziaur Rahman, Sino-Bangladesh ties have developed, both in depth and dimension, after the development of diplomatic relations. It was a fact that late President Ziur Rahman initiated to develop ties with China, Muslim countries and countries of the Third world in Africa. I recalled that Ziur Rahman established first contact with the Chinese regime in January in 1977 when he paid a visit as Chief Martial Law administrator. The visit of the Chinese vice premier, Lishien Nien accompanied by foreign minister Huang Hua to Bangladesh in March 1978 was interpreted as significant development in the billateral relations between two countries.
Since Awami League came to power in 2009 relations between Bangladesh and China have grown by leaps and bounds. Bangladesh former Ambassador to Beijing Chinese speaking Munshi Faiz Ahmad is reported to have said that Bangladesh and China have enjoyed a time-tested, all-weather friendship.
In fact, the Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has under took her first visit to China from 1st to 6th July in 2019 to have meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinpinng and Premier Li Kequiang while Chinese President Xi Jinping paid return visit to Bangladesh, accompanied by Foreign Minister, Finance Minister and Commerce Minister on 14 October in 2016 was historic indeed. It seems to be interesting to note that two fighter jets escorted him to Bangladesh. Having held discussion with Bangladesh leaders China signed as many as 27 memorandum of understanding amounting to totally $ 13.6 billion in respect of commerce, information and energy. Chinese President is reported to have said that relation to be elevated from comprehensive cooperation to a strategic partnership. Since relation is growing by leaps and bound between the two countries, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi signed four MoUs on his visit to Bangladesh on 7 August, 2022 while handed over a bridge constructed by China in Pirojpur. Chinese Foreign Minister in fact assured Bangladesh side that China is in the midst pursuing repatriation of Rohingya to Rhakhine state of Myanmar as soon as possible. China in fact has initiated construction of houses in Rakhine state of Myanmar.
The opening of the Padma Bridge on 25 June this year is an excellent contribution of the Chinese engineering feet which will bring benefit to the people in South-West of Bangladesh. This reflects the fact that Bangladesh and China have had relations since a few centuries back. Both have been maintaining friendly relations.

(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh and former President of Nova Toastmaster International club of America, writes From Falls Church, Virginia).
