Bangladesh averts being blacklisted in APG report

Economic Reporter :
Bangladeshi has averted being blacklisted for money laundering and terrorism financing in the final report of Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering, according to the government officials.
They said the country’s diplomatic efforts helped it avoid the risk of being on APG blacklist.
The cabinet meeting recently approved the final mutual evaluation report on anti-money laundering activities of Bangladesh.
The APG postponed its 19th annual general meeting due on July 23-28 last year in Dhaka after terror attack. Bangladesh authorities feared that the terror attack might have a negative impact on the report.
The Bangladesh delegation has taken assistance from Bangladesh alternative director of the World Bank, according to the report.
Bangladesh was kept out of the gray list in 2014 after being placed there alongside the countries with a bad record in regulatory affairs on money laundering in 2008 by the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force. The APG is an affiliate body of the task force.