Bangabandhu’s name being used to deprive people’s right to vote: Dr Kamal

Staff Reporter :
The convener of Jatiya Oikya Front and Gonoforum President Dr Kamal Hossain on Saturday said that the people have been deprived of their ownership of the country and voting rights using the name and portraits of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
“They (Awami League men) are using the name and portraits of Bangabandhu, but indulging in acts contrary to his ideals. I think, it’s the

most grievous crime to work against Bangabandhu’s ideal and dreams using his name,” Dr Kamal said.
He said this at a discussion in the Jatiya Press Club to mark the National Mourning Day and the 44th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dr Kamal, a close associate of Bangabandhu, said the Father of the Nation had a life-time struggle to establish democracy and make people owners of the country.
 “If anyone thinks the country’s power and ownership belongs to an individual and a party it will be tantamount to disrespecting Bangabandhu and defying his instruction. Because, he made people owners of the country through the Constitution signed by him,” he said.
Kamal said, Bangabandhu clearly defined in the Constitution that democracy means a system where people at all levels will be the owners of the country, and all the representatives will be elected through people’s votes in a credible election. “But his instruction has been ignored completely.”
He recalled that late autocratic ruler HM Ershad had tried to stay in power for a longer time, but he was ousted through a united and fierce movement.
He urged people to get united to realise their rights and materialise Bangabandhu’s dreams.
Gonoforum Executive President Professor Abu Sayeed, General Secretary Reza Kibria, Presidium members Mokabbir Khan, MP, Mohsin Rashid and Joint General Secretaries Ameen Ahmed Afsary and Mostak Ahmed, among others, were present at the function.
