Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebrated in Port City

CCC Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin paid tribute to Father of the Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Anderkilla Bangabandhu premises on Tuesday.
CCC Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin paid tribute to Father of the Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Anderkilla Bangabandhu premises on Tuesday.

Chattogram Bureau :

The birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children Day was celebrated in the port city in a befitting manner on Tuesday.
Chattogram City Corporation (CCC), Divisional and district administrations, corporate bodies, educational institutions, Awami League (AL), its associate organisations, Bangabandhu Shishu Kishor Mela, socio-cultural and children organizations have celebrated the day through elaborate program.National flags were hoisted atop all public and private buildings. Other program include placing wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu, cutting birthday cake, tree plantation, unfolding of books on year-round program of Mujib Borsho, screening of documentary films and illumination of important government, non-government and autonomous buildings and installations.Various government and non-government organizations, social and cultural bodies, valiant Freedom Fighters and politicians placed floral wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Building premises.Special prayers were offered seeking divine blessings for Bangabandhu, four national leaders and martyrs of the War of Liberation and peace and progress of the nation at mosques, temples, pagodas, churches and other places of worship.
District Information Office screened video footage and clippings on life and works of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at different road crossings in the city.

Various educational institutions including Chittagoing University, Chattogram University of Engineering and Technology, Chattogram College and Chattogram Medical College also celebrated the birth centenary through separate program elaborately.
