Bangabandhu not given time to rebuild country: PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday regretted that Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was not given time to rebuild war-ravaged Bangladesh although he gave its people independence and a state.
“He (Bangabandhu) had given the people of Bangladesh independence and a state. He wanted to give them a beautiful country from all aspects. However, he hadn’t given time when he’d taken steps to improve people’s lives,” she said. The Prime Minister was speaking at the publication ceremony of the 2nd autobiography of Bangabandhu titled ‘Karagarer Rojnamcha’ (Diary in Jail). Bangla Academy, the publisher of the book, organised the ceremony at Krishibid Institution with Professor Emeritus Rafiqul Islam in the chair.
Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh got only a barren piece of land after its independence. “This country was a colony. Bangabandhu assumed the state power in 1972. It wasn’t an easy task to rebuild a war-ravaged country. Sometimes I feel bad that no one gave him time,” she said. She also said many started criticising Bangabandhu on various issues. “It seems to me that the critics had strengthened the hands of the anti-liberation forces and created the grounds of the August 15 massacre,” she said. The Prime Minister, however, said those who criticised Bangabandhu could realise their mistakes later. “They’d later realised what they lost.”
She said Bangabandhu who gave the Bangalees their self-identity has returned on the pages of history and the conspirators could not erase the name of the great leader from it. Hasina said it was Father of the Nation who gave the Bangalees an opportunity to introduce themselves as an independent nation through his long political struggle and sacrificing all personal desires. She said Bangabandhu wanted to give smile on the faces of the mass people through ensuring economic emancipation. Following the ideals of the great leader, the Prime Minister said, she is also working to bring smile to the faces of the common people of Bangladesh. “And it’s now the responsibility of all to work together to develop the country that was liberated by the Father of the Nation.” About the ‘Karagarer Rojnamcha’, she said the book has everything as those were written by Bangabandhu in his handwritten diary so that all could know the true history of the country and its people. In an emotion-choked voice with tears rolling down her checks, Hasina recalled her memories with Bangabandhu on various occasions, particularly when she used to go to meet him in jail.
Describing a memorable incident of taking back a diary from his hand, she said Bangabandhu had prohibited her to read it before his death. She expressed gratitude to all concerned who contributed in many ways towards publishing the historic book. The Prime Minister said more autobiographies of Bangabandhu, including the one on Agartala Conspiracy Case, are awaiting publication. Besides, steps have been taken to publish most parts of the SB reports having 30-40 thousand pages written against Bangabandhu which would be used as documents.
Bangla Academy published the 332-page book in Bangla on the occasion of the 98th birthday of the great leader on historical jail life of the great leader from 1966 to 1968 during the Pakistan regime.
Eminent historians Prof Syed Anwar Hossain and Prof Dr Muntasir Mamun discussed various issues of the book and the life of Bangabandhu. Bangla Academy Director General Shamsuzzman Khan also spoke at the programme where Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor read out some parts of the book.
