Bangabandhu Mobile Rly Museum starts nationwide displaying


City Desk :
The ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Mobile Rail Museum’ will start its journey on the tracks on Monday, to convey the ideals and struggles of the vibrant political career of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the people of the country.
The travelling museum will be inaugurated and opened for exhibition by Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud from Chittagong railway station at 5 pm and Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan from Gopalganj railway station .
Earlier on April 27 this year, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Mobile Rail Museum’.
According to the Railway officials, the trial of the museum has already been completed by a ‘trial run’ from Dhaka to Joydevpur, reports BSS.
“The railway authority has built the museum with a broad gauge and a meter gauge coach in combination with Bangabandhu’s life struggle, freedom war and history, to mark the occasion of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s birth centenary and golden jubilee of independence,” Manzoorul Alam Chowdhury, Additional Director General (RS) of Bangladesh Railways told BSS.
Chowdhury said that, “The history of the life of father of the nation from his childhood to 1975, his student life, involvement in politics and becoming a leader of the people, liberation war, struggle events have been highlighted in the museum.
The museum has an informative and fascinating collection of 12 separate paintings, rare photographs along with clothes, accessories used by him and handwritten letters, six of which were written to his daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.” According to railway sources, the museum also has an artificial flower garden, and a big LED screen to display Bangabandhu’s speeches given in different countries and the historic March 7 speech.
Besides, a book shelf designed in the pattern of ‘Joy Bangla’ slogan with around a hundred books and children’s books written by Bangabandhu will also be kept at the museum for the visitors.
