Bangabandhu Mobile Book Fair begins

Entertainment Desk :
A 20-month ‘Bangabandhu Mobile Book Fair’ began in the capital on Wednesday with a slogan ‘Know Bangabandhu, Love Country’. Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud formally inaugurated the fair on the premises of National Museum at Shahbagh in the evening. A private publishing house, Shrabon Prokashoni, is organising the fair, marking the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
While inaugurating the fair, Hasan said books evoke the values of people, inform them of history and guide them to a future destination. That is why all should develop reading habit to build a prosperous nation, he added.
Recalling that Bangabandhu inspired people to see dreams and helped their dreams come true during his life of struggle, the minister said all the dreams of people did not fulfill after his tragic assassination on August 15, 1975. He said the country under the leadership of his daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is now put on the right path to fulfilling all the dreams. Later, Hasan visited a mobile library, which will travel across the country during the fair. A total of 100 best books on Bangabandhu written by eminent writers as well as ‘Oshomapto Attojiboni’ and ‘Karagarer Rojnamcha’ by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be displayed and sold in the mobile fair.