Bangabandhu great hero of all movements: Yeafesh


Minister for Science and Technology Yeafesh Osman said the nation has got their rights and an independent country as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born.
Bangabandhu was the great hero of the language movement and six-point movement and he called for the Liberation War, he said this on Friday while speaking as the chief guest at a discussion meeting in the city.
Bangabandhu Parishad organized the discussion meeting on ‘Language Movement and Bangabandhu: Nationhood and Nation-State’ at CIRDAP auditorium.
Bangabandhu Parishad General Secretary Dr. SA Malek presided over the meeting while Prof. Dr. Abu M Delwar of Dhaka University presented a keynote paper.
Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique, Rajshahi University Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mizanuddin, Kabi Nazrul University Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mohitul Alam, Jatiya Press Club President M. Shafiqur Rahman and journalist leader Abdul Jalil Bhuiyan took part in the discussion.
Recalling Bangabandhu’s life-long struggle for the emancipation of the Bangalees, the minister said Bangabandhu had established an independent and sovereign state based on Bangalee nationhood in place of a religion-based country.
Prof Arefin Siddique said the country’s independence has been earned through the path of language movement. Bangabandhu was the great hero of all these movements, he added.
