
In World Peace Movement

Md. Mizanur Rahman ACS :
“I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas”-Fidel Castro, the then president of Cuba thus expressed his opinion about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the Non-Aligned Summit in Algeria in 1973. Like Fidel Castro, the leader of the British humanist movement late Lord Fenner Brockway remarked, “In a sense, Sheikh Mujib is a great leader than George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi and De Valera.” The then Indian President V. V. Giri also praised Bangabandhu as the visible symbol of the eternal consciousness of suffering and sacrifice for human liberation and human freedom. In fact, Bangabandhu was equivalent to the Himalayas in wisdom, devotion and foresight who had sacrificed his personal happiness while struggling for the common people.
Truth be told, Bangabandhu is an epic name. It’s the epic of the birth of the Bangali nation. If Bangabandhu was not born, then the independence of Bangladesh would not have emerged. Bangabandhu erected the geographical boundaries of a free state for the Bangali’s in the global map. Likewise, in the post independence era, he has made significant contribution to the improvement of international relations and the establishment of world peace in state-run skills. Because of charismatic leadership quality, Bangabandhu became a world leader within few years after the independence.
Bangabandhu was very much interested on international relations. In foreign relationship he used to adopt a balanced policy’-“Friendship to all and malice towards none.” He emphasized on peaceful solution of all disputes as the mainstay of foreign policy. Actually, that foreign policy has been reflected in our constitution also. Being newly independent it was a major problem to get the international recognition. He emphasized much importance in establishing good relationship with the neighboring countries. During Bangabandhu, Bangladesh got the recognition of most countries. He established a meaningful relationship with India. Even, in spite of having adverse circumstances, he began relationship with Pakistan also. He developed good relationship with Japan. The year 1973 was a momentous year of Bangladesh-Japan friendship. Within three years of independence, Bangladesh joined the Commonwealth and alliance neutral states. Bangladesh got the UN membership in 1974. Under his strong leadership a very good relationship developed with the international community. Bangladesh got the membership of many international organizations like IMF, IBRD, IDA, and OIC during Bangabandhu.
He had a strong voice for the rights of the oppressed, exploited and hard working people. He used to say,” Today the world is divided into two parts; oppressor and oppressed. I am for the oppressed.” The cry of the oppressed would make him anxious. He contributed significantly to establish peace, friendship, independence, democracy as well as world peace. Actually, Bangabandhu was the messenger of world peace. He struggled to make the whole world a heaven of peace. In 1973, Bangabandhu got “Julio Curie Peace Medal” an international recognition for his outstanding contribution not only for the Bangalees or Bangladesh, but also for the peace of the exploited people of the world. Romesh Chandra, the Secretary of the Julio-Curie award, said about Bangabandhu after getting the medal that, “Sheikh Mujib is not a just Bangabandhu, he is a world leader from today”.
In 1973, Bangabandhu visited to Yugoslavia, where he met the then President Tito. The two leaders welcomed the end of the war in Vietnam and Laos and the progress of peace restoration as well as the situation for the people of both Vietnam and Laos to determine their fate freely and sovereignty. They urgently emphasized on the importance of establishing sustainable peace in the Middle East and full respect for the rights of Arab States and Palestinian. Both leaders urged Cambodia to stop the bombing.
Bangabandhu sent a message to the World Peace Congress Conference held in Moscow on October in 1973, where he said, “I am really glad to hear the news of the world peace conference. When people in different parts of the world are struggling against imperialism, colonialism and racial discrimination and are striving for the economic and political liberation, this Congress will be able to strengthen and inspire all those who are committed to world peace. If the world needs to establish stable peace, then the oppressed people of the world will have to free themselves from the exploitation.”
A meeting of the Commonwealth was held in Canada in 1973 where he said, “I believe that both developed and developing countries have a common interest. The competition of weapons remains a threat to mankind. Inherent in it is not only the threat of total destruction, but also massive wastage of the world’s resources. Cannot we do something to protect these resources so that they can contribute to reduce human suffering and also can contribute to human welfare? Can’t we form an opinion against the Commonwealth against the continued weapons competition and pollution caused by nuclear tests?”
He attended the non-aligned summit in 1973 where he raised his voice in favor of United Nations. He not only declared his firm determination to fight against poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy and unemployment but also urged all nations to be united to eliminate it. He made a strong statement to the United Nations on behalf of the oppressed humanity where he emphasized on the legitimate rights of the oppressed people of South Africa and Palestine. In different sessions of the United Nations, he made statement for the prevention of genocide and massacres. He also emphasized on the comprehensive efforts of all states especially the developed countries, to eliminate the economic problems.
In 1974, Bangabandhu made a visit to Egypt. During that visit he expressed his full support with the people of Asia, Africa and also Latin America. He also emphasized on strengthening brotherly relations with the Arab people.
Bangabandhu was determined to strengthen Bangladesh’s position in the word assembly. He gave a speech in the UN Assembly in 1974, in Bangla, where he addressed 25 issues that still shake the human race.
He expressed his anger against the illegal occupation of Arab territories by the Israel. He lamented Israel’s refusal to compromise and blamed Israel for surviving the crisis. He said, “The continued occupation of Arab territory and the denial of the legal rights of the Arab and Palestinian people are a threat to peace and demands a prompt solution of it.” He also said “Those who are struggling to ensure their right to self-control and their basic rights against colonialism and racial discrimination in South Africa, Rhodesia, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique and other parts of Africa should have the support of all those who believe in human freedom.”
But, unfortunately Bangladesh as well as the whole world became an orphan on 15th August, 1975 at the hands of some derailed military traitors and we had to lose that asset forever. If today Bangabandhu were alive, then definitely he would play a significant rule against the turmoil and the arms competition all over the world.
Finally, Bangabandhu was the leader of the people, for the people – not for a particular span of time, but for all times to come. That’s why it is said that, Bangabandhu is a name, Bangabandhu is a country, Bangabandhu is a dream, Bangabandhu is our life and Bangabandhu can never die.
Thus, Lotay Tshering, the Prime Minister of Bhutan said, “Dear Sheikh Mujib, you are dead as a human being. But I feel you as you are still around us today. I would like to share with you that your dreams have been fulfilled today by your daughter Sheikh Hasina. You have won the hearts of billions of people around the world. You are not only a friend of the people of Bangladesh, but also a friend of Bhutan.” The next generation will be inspired by the glory of Bangabandhu’s struggle, perseverance and sacrifice.

(Md. Mizanur Rahman ACS is a banker. Email: [email protected])
