Ban ki calls for immediate Ramzan truce in Yemen

General Secretary Ban Ki- moon Speaks during a press conference at the UN offices in Geneva during the opening of yemen peace talks
General Secretary Ban Ki- moon Speaks during a press conference at the UN offices in Geneva during the opening of yemen peace talks
AFP Geneva :
UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Monday called for an immediate two-week humanitarian pause in Yemen to mark Ramzan as talks got underway in Geneva to try and resolve the bloody conflict.
“I hope this week starts the beginning of the end of the fighting,” Ban said.
“Ramzan begins in two days,” he said, stressing that the holy Muslim month should be a period for “harmony, peace and reconciliation”.
“I have emphasised the importance of another humanitarian pause for two weeks,” Ban said.
Ban dismissed fears that the talks would be torpedoed by the non-arrival of an Iran-backed rebel delegation in time for the talks. The team’s plane was delayed in Djibouti, according to UN and diplomatic sources.
He said the delay was due to logistical reasons and added: “I am pleased to know that the other parties are on their way” and were expected to arrive later Monday.
Underscoring the need for immediate action in Yemen, he said: “The ticking clock is not a time piece, it is a time bomb. “He also called on all parties to reach an agreement on a “comprehensive and lasting” ceasefire.
Coalition strikes pound Yemen rebels ahead of talks
Saudi-led coalition warplanes pounded rebel positions across Yemen overnight, witnesses said.
The coalition carried out pre-dawn strikes on rebel-held missile depots on the Fajj Attan hill overlooking the capital Sanaa, residents said.
Other strikes targeted rebels in Amran province farther north as well as Hajja near the Saudi border and nearby Houthi rebel stronghold Saada.
Coalition warplanes late on Sunday also hit rebel positions in the oil-rich Marib province, in Yemen’s east.
Residents in third city Taez accused the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and their allies of shelling residential areas using tanks and artillery late on Sunday.
The sources spoke of civilian casualties but AFP could not immediately obtain a toll.
The war in Yemen has so far claimed more than 2,500 lives since air strikes began in March, according to the United Nations.
Yemen has been wracked by the conflict between the rebels and exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi’s internationally recognised government.
The Houthis, supported by military units loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, have seized control of large parts of the country including the capital Sanaa, forcing Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia.
Fearing an Iran-friendly regime on its southern border, Riyadh has been leading a campaign of air strikes against the rebels since March 26 but has so far failed to force them from territory they have seized.
The rebels have even advanced, taking control of Al-Hazm, the main city of Jawf province, on Sunday with little resistance, residents and pro-government fighters said.
The city lies only 150 kilometres (90 miles) south of the border with Saudi Arabia.