Bamboo-made handicraft becoming popular in Narsingdi


BSS, Narsingdi :
The bamboo and cane made handicrafts have become popular again among the common people to flourish the sector and bring fortune for hundreds of the unemployed rural skill craftsman of the district.
Once Narsingdi district was a rich heritage of traditional handicrafts. A good number of skilled craftsman, who inherited from their forefathers in the district have given a special dimension to their products. But due to availability of the attractive designed plastic products in the markets, the demand of the bamboo made handicrafts has dropped.
However, at present it is reviving its popularity. Understanding the harmful impacts of using synthetic goods, the common people are now showing more interest in using bamboo and cane made handicrafts instead of harmful synthetic goods.
Craftsman, mainly living in the village producing various handicrafts by using bamboo and cane are becoming self-reliant by adopting the profession.
A number of unemployed young girls, distressed women and divorces have also engaged themselves with the profession and proved handicrafts as a very effective profession in combating poverty and achieving economic well-being in the rural areas.
The private sector entrepreneurs have also been producing the demandable and popularizing items.
Entrepreneurs Safaly Begum, 50, and her 20-year-old daughter Parul Begum of Patoli union of Belabo upazila has set an example in reviving the lost aristocracy of producing various bamboo made charming handicrafts, including beds, fruits trays, baskets phuldani, mora, ashtray and flute.
