Ballad of a Patriot to be screened


Film on Dr. Anwarul Karim’s book, The Ballad of a Patriot, on the life and legacy of Bangabandhu is now underway by the Mystic Lanes Production, Dhaka. A project profile on the making of the film has already been made. The film would include CGI and VFX technology, this was disclosed by Aftab A Zilani, producer and Director of the film on Monday at Bangabandhu Research Centre, Northern University Bangladesh in the capital.
An MOU has already been signed between Prof Dr Anwarul Karim, the author and Producer-Director Aftab AZilani. The film may cost approximately around ten million taka, the producer said. The film is expected to be released on August 15, 2021 on the occasion the death anniversary of Bangabandhu, the producer added.
It may be said here that the book, the Ballad of a Patriot has already caught the attention of the world. It was on display at the Frankfurt International Book fair, Germany recently. Ministry of Culture of Bangladesh selected two of the books of Dr Anwarul Karim, Water and Culture in Bangladesh, Past and Present and The Ballad of a Patriot. The book Water and Culture in Bangladesh is dedicated to Bangabandhu, the founding father of Bangladesh, while The Ballad of the Patriot is dedicated to the youths.
