Commentary: Bail should be granted as of right to save the judiciary from high corruption


Thousands of prisoners are brought regularly before the courts across the country for their production by police showing cases. Obtaining bail has become the single most corruption business in the judiciary. Ones fundamental rights have very little or no consideration for refusing bail. The legal principle that an accused innocent until found guilty by a court law has no meaning. A police case is enough to suffering imprisonment unless the judge has strong judicial mind.
They are brought at a particular time from the jails when dates of hearing are fixed for hearing. There are many ways delaying hearing the cases. But the prisoners kept waiting in hajat sitting on the floor with no toilet facilities. The condition is filthy. The prosecution is also not in a hurry to complete the hearing of the cases because the accused are in jail. One is not surprised if it takes 10 to 20 years to finalise a case. To face justice is drudgery. One has to bribe little facilities.
It is highly appreciated that the Chief Justice has taken initiative of setting up restrooms on the premises of every District and Session Judge’s Courts and other relevant courts to alleviate the sufferings of the justice-seeking people. A restroom for the justice-seeking people is under construction on the Supreme Court campus.
It is also very important to save the judiciary from being one of the places of highest corruption. Nobody bothers that the judiciary is vitiated by high corruption all the long way to justice for the accused too readily refuse bail. The person on bail is not completely free. He gets bail under restraining conditions. His passport can be kept in courts custody so that he cannot leave the country. Even he flees the country, nothing stops the court to try him in absentia.
So it is not understandable why there should be thousands of under trial prisoners in jail to be looked after at public expense.
