BAF appoints Indian coach for athletics team


BSS, Dhaka :
The Bangladesh Athletics Federation (BAF) has appointed experienced Indian high jumper coach Govindroy Venkanna Gangkor as coach for Bangladesh athletics team with an aim to get expectant result in the upcoming 22nd Commonwealth Games, fifth Islamic Solidarity Games and various international events.
The Indian coach already arrived in the city this on Saturday to take the charge of the team.
After landed in the Airport, he came directly to the BAF office and completed the official formalities. He answered various questions of the journalists while attending the press conference.
Later, he left for Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Prothistan (BKSP) to join the ongoing national athletics training camp.
The coach has been training for a long time at the Athletics Federation of India’s national team high jump event.
It can be mention that the BAF has decided to hire a foreign coach for the Bangladesh athletics team which performed well in the jump event in the latest South Asian Games.
