B Chy wants removal of Mohsin Ali from Cabinet

UNB, Dhaka :
President of Bikalpa Dhara Bangladesh (BDB) AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury on Sunday strongly condemned the abusive remarks by Social Welfare Minister Syed Mohsin Ali about journalists at an open meeting in Sylhet.
In a statement, he also demanded Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina clearly explain the remarks the minister made involving her.
“Hurling abusive words at journalists at an open meeting in Sylhet by a minister who claimed himself as a favourite person of the Prime Minister is unaccept
able,” the former President said. Denouncing the ministers’ act, the BDB chief called upon the journalists to have patience. “The people of the country except that the Prime Minister clearly explain her stance on the unacceptable information given by the minister involving her,” he said.
B Chowdhury also said Mohsin Ali should not be there in the cabinet any more.
Earlier on Saturday, addressing a programme in Sylhet Mohsin Ali came down hard on journalists saying, “Journalists are dirty chaps and characterless… Be careful, you won’t be able to sleep with your wives.”
He also claimed the Prime Minister had praised his previous comments bashing the media and asked him to continue his media attacks.
Earlier, Mohsin was harshly criticised for smoking in front of children at a function.
Meanwhile, leaders of different journalist bodies also denounced the minister’s indecent remarks and urged the government to bring to justice after removing him from the cabinet.
They also urged the minister to seek apology for his offensive remarks about the journalists.