B Chy demands reopening of closed TV channels


UNB, Dhaka :President of Bikalpa Dhara Bangladesh (BDB) Dr AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury on Tuesday urged the government to reopen all the closed television channels, including Diganta TV.In a statement, the BDB chief said, “Diganta Television has been kept shut for two years. It’s unbecoming, unjust and undemocratic.”B Chowdhury, also a former president, further said, “I register my strong protest against the shutdown of all the TV channels, including Diganta TV.He hoped that good sense will prevail upon the government to reopen all the off air television channels.In the early hours of May 6, 2013, the transmission of satellite television channels Diganta TV and Islamic TV was stopped mutinies after law enforcers in a drive removed Hefajat-e-Islam Bangladesh activists from the city’s Shapla Chattar area.A team of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regularity Commission (BTRC) conducted a raid on the office of Diganta TV at 4:25am and forced the authorities to stop the transmission of the channel instantly.
