Ayub Bachchu to perform in Band Fest for third time


Entertainment Report :
Legendary band singer Ayub Bachchu and his group LRB are going to perform in Band Fest 2016 for third time. From 2014 on first day of December from 11:05am to 5:30pm Band Fest is held on the premises of Channel i.
This year singers of Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra will inaugurate the festival. Like previous years it will be aired live on Channel i. Besides Bachchu’s LRB, band groups Shironamhin, Black, Obscure, Different Touch, Bappa & Friends and others will perform in the festival. Pop singer Mehreen will also perform.
While sharing his feelings to attend the Band Fest for third time Ayub Bachchu told this correspondent, “Brotherhood relationship is seen during this festival. I am really very glad to get the scope to perform in this fest for third time. Next time I hope more young and promising singers and groups will participate in the festival. I am always with Channel i, will also with them. Everybody will enjoy the festival.”
Band Fest is produced by Anonna Ruma. She informed that Apu Mahfuz, Sijil Mirza and Safwan Safi will host this year’s Band Fest.
Meanwhile, LRB will celebrate its silver jubilee celebration on December 20 at Nabaratna Hall of Bashundhara Convention Centre in the capital. “This year our silver jubilee will be more joyful. In the discussion our stories will take place. Many songs and enjoyments will also take place in this regard. Earlier we celebrate our silver jubilee in four cities in Canada,” Ayub Bachchu said.
