Awareness, implementation of law to protect children underscored


Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah has recommended increasing the number of juvenile courts and proper implementation of law along with increasing awareness of guardians to protect children.
“Increasing the parents’ awareness is necessary, especially the role of the father is very important. We’ve got to work very closely,” he said this on Monday at a view-exchange meeting in the city.
About providing legal aid to children, he said the number of juvenile courts in Bangladesh is low. “It should be increased to ensure children can quickly access legal assistance when needed,” he said.
Save the Children in Bangladesh organised the meeting on exchanging views on child rights and child rights protection with the parliamentary caucus on child rights. The deputy speaker is an adviser to the caucus.
Save the Children in Bangladesh made some recommendations about the Children’s Act 2013 and highlighted the importance of legally prohibiting all forms of physical and derogatory punishments on children and the role of the caucus.
Caucus chief Md Shamsul Haque Tuku backed the recommendations and assured of providing all necessary assistance. Emphasising public awareness, he said the family’s awareness is the most important thing.
Tuku said using children for fund collection should be banned at all stages.
Begum Wasika Ayesha Khan, one of the members of the caucus, agreed with the recommendations. She said every children issue is a national issue since 40 percent of the country’s population is children.
She said the Parliamentary Caucus on Child Rights will assist in the amendment process.
