Awareness campaign to protect uterus emphasized


City Desk :
Afroza Akhter is at the fourth month of pregnancy. Occasionally there is pain and bleeding in her abdomen. The doctor asked her to have an ultrasonogram as she was pregnant. But she did not do that.
“When I went to the doctor with abdominal pain, she gave me an ultrasonogram . . . The test showed that my uterus was slightly torn or had a leak, resulting in sporadic bleeding and pain,” Afroza told media recently.
Subsequently the doctor gave me treatment, advising that the pregnant mothers should consult with a physician possible soonest if she faces like this symptoms or problems.
Talking to media, Gynaecologist Dr Farhana Dewan, former Professor of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH), said, “Many people think the uterus only works for childbirth. That is not correct . At certain stages of life, it is necessary to pay special attention to the uterus. These include: menstruation, sexual intercourse, pregnancy and menopause (before and after menopause). ” She said, ” sanitary napkins need to be used during menstruation.
It is not advisable to use dirty or wet napkins at this time. Besides, it is not right to have sexual intercourse during menstruation as this can lead to uterine injury or infection or various problems in the uterus.”
Referring to cautionary measures at this period, Dr Farhana said during this time the cervix remains open. So it is necessary to stay clean; otherwise there may be an infection in the uterus or any other problem, reports BSS.
“Using hot water, occasionally, will give much protection to the uterus. . . Besides, the vagina should be rinsed well with water before intercourse and it must be thoroughly cleaned after intercourse as well. It is not right to have sexual intercourse during this times,” she suggested.
The uterus, gynecologist Farhana said, needs special attention during pregnancy and after childbirth. The embryo resides in the uterus and grows there. So a pregnancy checkup is very important to know if the fetus is in the womb.
Sometimes the fetus grows in the ovary or in any of the abdominal outlets, causing many complications. The doctors initially do an ultrasonogram test on the fetus to confirm the matter. Infections can often occur in the uterus or uterus during pregnancy. Asked about the symptoms of uterine problems, noted Gynecologist Dr Maliha Rashid said excessive bleeding during menstruation, lower abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, white discharge with bad smell, purulent menstruation, bleeding after having intercourse and bleeding without menstruation are commonly the symptoms of uterine problems.
“If you have any of these symptoms or if you have abdominal pain, any stomach problems or excessive gas, constipation, you should consult a gynecologist immediately because this type of problem is seen to be a disease of the uterus or ovaries,” she pointed out.
As a precautionary measure, Dr Maliha advised to take help of a physician if any of following symptoms appears. These include: pressure around the lower end, frequent urination, gas, indigestion, constipation, having any light food feels the stomach full, abnormalities in the abdomen, excessive abdominal pain, belly-bloating, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss or gain, having pain in doing sex, excessive weakness and having any such problem even after menopause.
Experts said the uterus is damaged or infected with many diseases due to early marriage, early childbirth, frequent childbearing, having problems with the uterus of the ex-wife, multiple sexual intercourse, lack of hygiene or sanitation, infection, inherited diseases and smoking or using tobacco substances.
” The government is well-aware of it. There are available scope to do some tests for uterus and breast cancer in every hospitals in all districts and upazila headquarters countrywide as free of cost,” Prof Dr Ashrafunnessa of Gynecological Oncology Department of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU).
She said there are also treatments related to those diseases at low cost, advising the women to go to the hospital or health center or doctor in case of any such problem, they face. “But a vigorous awareness campaign is mandatory countrywide, specially at the places, where low-income women live in, including slum dwellers or sex-workers lodges, underprivileged people and the women in the remote rural areas . . . so that they can know the issues perfectly,” she added.
