Awareness a must to prevent adolescent suicide


THE number of children dying by suicide has increased in recent years largely due to what experts believe a lack of awareness among family members and teachers about the stress in adolescence.At least 293 children died by suicide and 22 others made attempts in the last 11 months, according to Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF).
The rise is significant from last year’s 213 dead and 11 attempts. In 2016, the number of death was about half of this year’s, according to BSAF, which came up with the figures based on newspaper reports. The Rights group, however, maintains that the actual number of children dying by suicide is much higher because many incidents remain unreported.
The issue of adolescent suicide, especially among school students, has come to the fore following Monday’s death of Aritrec Adhikary, a ninth grader of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College. Her body was found hanging from the ceiling at her home in the capital’s Shantinagar hours after she and her parents were allegedly insulted by some teachers of the school.
The reasons for this are not unknown.We think of our children as better versions of ourselves, and move mountains to ensure that they get good quality education and other facilities which we lacked .But in doing so when they fail to achieve the desired academic success we spring on them with the proverbial fury of a parent disillusioned with the ability of our children.
Parents need to remember that while it is ok for them to have high hopes of academic and career success for their children, it is also not right that they be thought of as machines who can do everything. By definition there can only be one first boy or girl per class-in practical terms top position cant be achieved by everyone, as it would not be called success then.
Instead of driving our children to fear and terror by instilling into them the idea of possible failure we should rather try to inspire them with the spirit of moral and religious virtues which would remain with them forever. The inculcation of these values will keep them courageous, no matter what happens, if they have good intentions, their parents and society will not look down upon them.
Defining success in narrow terms of failing exams and getting the highest paying jobs will only drive more children to committing suicide as the fear of failing would be too great for them to contemplate.Brilliant children are sensitive–they need to be told that it is equally important to be an artist as it is to be a corporate member, or a gardener, or a painter.The narrow ideals of success which our society holds must be discarded.
