Awami League not bothered about Khaleda Zia’s call of movement


Ruling Awami League is not taking any kind of preparation to face BNP and its 20-party alliance after holy Ramzan as some of its senior leaders think that Khaleda Zia’s call of anti-government movement is ‘just rubbish’ and ‘cheap political stunt’.
“This (so-called movement) is just rubbish. We’re not thinking anything. We’re not bothering about this,” Disaster Management and Relief Minister Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya told UNB over telephone.
He also said that the call of Khaleda Zia will not get any support from the mass people. “This is simply a cheap political stunt of the BNP and they will surely not get any support from the mass people.” In recent times, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia repeatedly said that the BNP- led 20-party alliance would go for tougher movement after Eid to oust the Awami League-led government.
On Monday, at the iftar programme of pro-BNP Doctors Association of Bangladesh (DAB), Khaleda called upon all to wage a strong movement after Eid to force the government to step down and hold a fresh election under a non-party administration.
Maya, who is also the general secretary of Dhaka city unit of Awami League, said that the BNP chairperson’s recent statements on different occasions were ‘just intended for the newspapers’. Pointing at some of senior BNP leaders’ statements in the recent times, he mentioned that some of them are saying that they are not prepared right now for movement while some others saying they are capable of waging effective anti-government movement. Maya asked why people will be involved in the movement. “Is there anything for them in the movement? People are now passing their days in peace? Why they’ll destroy this peace by getting involved in the so-called anti-government movement of Khaleda Zia?” The Minister said he was certain that any such movement would end in failure. “The BNP chief will have to wait for five years to be in power. This is the democratic process and we all have to follow this.” Awami League joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif said that the BNP has no link with the mass people and as a result, their anti-government movement will not be successful.
“Why people will come out from their homes. Is it for bringing corruption, arms and drugs smuggling, and militancy in the country again?”
He also thinks that the people will not support Khaleda Zia’s anti-government movement to push back the country into darkness again. Mahbubul Alam Hanif also said that the ruling party is not thinking anything about this so-called movement as the government has engaged all its efforts for the welfare of the country and its people. “If there is anything against the law, the law enforcing agencies will do their job then,” he said.
Hanif added: “People want peace and that’s what they’re having right now. People won’t welcome any inconvenience in the name of anti-government movement.”
