Avoid activity detrimental to country’s image: Govt to expats

UNB, Dhaka :
The government has said it is committed to upholding the rights of Bangladeshi migrant workers abroad and providing all the necessary assistance urging them to avoid any activity that may tarnish the image of the country.
“The government won’t encourage any activity by expatriate workers that’re detrimental to the image of Bangladesh and the excellent relations existing between Bangladesh and Vietnam,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on Wednesday.
The government said it is mindful of promoting expatriates’ welfare, particularly amid the global Ccvid-19 pandemic.
The MoFA came up with the statement amidsome media reports and social media contents about the activities of a section of workers currently staying in Vietnam.
Bangladesh Mission in Hanoi has been supporting the Bangladesh nationals within the legal framework of Bangladesh and Vietnam, MoFA said.
All the international flights are suspended in Vietnam since 25 March 2020.
The group of Bangladesh nationals who are demanding a return flight to Bangladesh at Bangladesh government’s expenses since July 3 are engaged in negative propaganda unjustifiably with the help of social media and some overseas TV channels, MoFA said.
The latest group of 17 people who are reportedly sitting in front of the Embassy demanding immediate repatriation has been interviewed by the Embassy officials and Vietnam authorities.